Tips for Decreasing the Instances of Developing Urinary Tract Infections While Using Adult Diapers to Manage Incontinence

May 15, 2018

Tips for Decreasing the Instances of Developing Urinary Tract Infections While Using Adult Diapers to Manage Incontinence

Managing incontinence comes down to diligence and proper care of your genitals.

If you do not properly cleanse your genitals after changing out your incontinence products, the urine can lead to very painful skin rashes along with other issues like a urinary tract infection. Many elderly individuals are not as diligent in changing out their incontinence products, which places them at risk for urinary tract infections.

A urinary tract infection is very painful and irritating to a regular person but in the elderly, it can be very serious as they do not always remember to take the antibiotics necessary to treat the infection. If left untreated, a urinary tract infection can lead to other problems like infection of the kidneys. As a caregiver of an elderly loved one you need to focus your efforts on helping your loved one to change out their adult diapers and to wash their skin so they do not become susceptible to urinary tract infections. There are some great incontinence products on the market that you can use. Some people use sanitary wipes each time they change their incontinence products, which is a great way to remove the urine from the skin. Flushable wipes are a great option instead of using a towel or even wet toilet paper to clean the urine from the skin. 

Another thing you can do is to purchase the right type of incontinence products. Purchasing high quality incontinence products will be able to help remove urine from the skin and will allow air to get in, allowing the skin to breathe. Purchase high quality products that are made specifically for your gender. 

Frequently change your incontinence underwear. If you wear it too long, it will end up leading to infections. You need to make sure you change them each time they are soiled instead of waiting for them to become completely filled. When you do this, you remove the bacteria found in the urine and fecal matter that may end up leading to a painful urinary tract infection. Since you may need to frequently change your incontinence underwear you might consider using washable products instead of disposable ones. This will save you more money on your incontinence supplies as you only need to invest in them once a year or so instead of needing to make multiple purchases each month deal with your incontinence problem.

What if you are caring for a loved one that is dealing with incontinence? You may struggle to get them to frequently change their diapers as they can forget or just find it to be a hassle. Remind them of the importance of changing their diapers to prevent infections and then consider using a timer or clock that will remind them to change their diaper. Having a clock is a great way to remind yourself to check up on them as well. Set the clock for every 2 hours or however frequently they seem to soil their diapers. If they have a fecal incontinence problem it is important that you make sure they change their diaper right away as the bacteria in the fecal matter can cause serious problems.
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